You say you are a classical Marxist? Perhaps you should check out the social programs passed by Dems and proposed by Dems but killed by the GOP. We tried for decades overall health care and lost to Trumpistas, so we have the highest rates of infant mortality rate amongst no developed countries, as well as one of the shortest lifespans. We have the most productive workers in the world but thanks to GOP tax policy the highest level come gaps in the world where workers do not fairly share the fruits of their labor. That’s not because of Dems. We have a high standard of living that should be higher at the low end thanks to the GOP. We had a strong system of public education that the right and Christian Nationalists are dismantling so they can teach creationism and deny slavery, racism and antisemitism ever existed here and open religious schools that discriminate. We are creating jobs faster than ever and more people are working now than ever. We have the strongest economy in the world, crime rates are going down; but the GOP preaches we are overrun by blacks eating cats. If you value anything, how about valuing honesty? I have a sense of morality. Truth has a place in a strong society and free speech is used amorally to foment hatred and fear. It’s illegal to yell fire n a theater, I once heard, but today’s GOP is going well beyond that and threatening everything good that America once stood for. Pure Marxism sounds idealistic and has never been successful. It’s much like religious communities which fade into oblivion. Please let a reality check show you that positive change is incremental, but Dems have been the political party that has moved the US forward in most 20th century cases