We have 2 senators that are far from mainstream Dems. But, despite having only 48 reliable Dems, the legislative success of the party platform is actually pretty good. A growing economy, rising wages, several major pieces of legislation passed, great job growth, room for more job growth too because of the economic vitality since the election. No, the most aggressive parts of the platform appear dead, but the successes are significant and real. Seems to me that what we liberal Dems need is a good PR firm that can tout the successes over the din of right-wing media and radicals on Medium. Yes, I would like all of BBB to pass, but it’s too progressive for political success unless the party can find 12 more votes in the Senate, and since that ain’t happening soon, the left needs to find a way to build the political support for more elected Dems in both houses. There’s a reason Bernie could not get nominated, nor would he have been elected — it would have been a Dem bloodbath with him at the top of the ticket, and all mainstream Dems and all the GOP know that. Trumpsters would love to see more far left Dems run — it would mean making Dems irrelevant and powerless in DC for several years, and the creation of an ultra-right judiciary that would cement GOP rule for a generation.
Bitching about Biden’s failures isn’t the way forwards, but it is the way to turn folks away from the polls and allow the far right to take over the govt. and block anything a Dem wants. That’s where the far left and Lauren are pushing us.