We can count on Ms. Martinchek to throw the baby out with the bathwater yet again. Please pay attention to the polls, which are very clear. Voters are turning against Dems in numbers that have NEVER been seen at this point in the election cycle. Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, and a few more I don't remember now are indicating a 20% swing to the GOP. Independents (who elected Joe, by the way) are fleeing the Dems. Why? Because the conservative media reaches them more than legitimate media, and because the Dems have, again, failed to penetrate that overwhealming alarmist and white supremacist appeal that Fox News and it's compatriots successfully push out to blanket the airways. Until Dems can figure out messaging that actually resonates with all of America, we will continue to lose.
I would love to see the Dem packages get support and get passed. Sadly, that's not likely to happen. With virtually no GOP support, Dems are losing the airways and the messaging. We are blamed for inflation and shortages, neither of which are our fault. Dem proposals are, on paper, favored by the majority of America in the abstract, but when they hear the divisive rhetoric of progressives, the nation retreats in fear. For liberals and progressives, our messaging needs to focus on what our policies mean for the working and middle classes. We have not done that successfully. Screaming about moderate Dems only reinforces the right's talking points about Dems being radical. As another writer noted, AOC could not get elected anywhere in America outside NYC, and progressives in the party are in real trouble around most of America because of the tone of our discourse. Ms. Elizabth is serving as a divider here, unfortuntely. How about some ideas that can move all the Dems forward. Incrementalism got the GOP where it is today. Progressive have to abandon 'All or Nothing At All' to move forward.