This exchange, for me, is a series of definitional lessons in philosophy, far exceeding the one course I took in college in the mid-60s. I appreciate that — you are challenging me at all times, thank you. I’m enjoying your dialogues as well — more philosophy lessons, though I’m not ready for a quiz on Buddism vs. hedonism yet. Maybe I need to try both a bit more first. I’ve done the Jesus vs. the Devil in 20 years of Sunday School, and you’ve laid it out well. Ultimately, the Devil uses logic more than Jesus, which mirrors the current debate we are having, I think.
Where would you put the study of pure science, in which the effort is fundamental knowledge and not the development of product? Or, for example, the study of mathematics? Or trying to find the highest prime number? To resolve pi? To explain the origins of our universe or determine it’s size?