Thank you, Kerry. Capitalism with all its faults has improved lives around the world so that fewer people as a % of population live in poverty and world health is better. With the elections around the developed world moving right it appears the oligarchs are presently gaining. I think we should examine the role of right wing oligarch controlled media, which lies to listeners and feeds them an oligarch version of the evils of social security, job protections, minimum living wages, immigration, science, and health care. It’s right wing media that tells workers these modern reforms are bad, and with no readily available local news other than massive conservative oligarch backed sources, more and more people believe the lies. We now have the orange devil in the White House with the vast majority of the GOP either ignoring his crimes, lies, business failures, false demonization of nonwhites, and glorification of billionaires. None of these folks can identify a positive program that Trump started that benefitted the working class, yet they worship him as the guy who will bring them back to a high standard of living and a better life. Thank the media for that.