Sadly, this misses nearly everything critical to Israel's survival. If Arab states themselves have no interest in participating in a real recognition of a jewish state, nothing useful can happen. When the UN has consistently passed resolutions against Israel violations without a single resolution regarding never-ending missile attacks from Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon, their resolutions are one-sided and prove the very real anti-semitism of the UN. When Iran continuously funds and supplies Hamas and Hezbollah and nothing in her article recognizes the Iranian role in continuing this crisis, her words cannot be taken seriously. When Abbas for years suggested he would support multiple negotiated peace plans that would have created Palestinian states, and then never moved to implement them, her words again ignore the position that Israel has been in with every prior attempt at peace: The Arab side, be it Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO, Iran, or all the other Arab states do nothing but talk with no meaningful steps to implement the "peace plans" of the past. When Israel pulled out of Gaza in the past, the move was followed within a few days by Hamas missile attacks on Israel. There has never been any evidence that the terrorist forces controlling Hamas and Hezbollah have an interest in peace: They live by the notions of killing all jews and whatever cost to innocent Palestinians. We can never know how many are dead in Gaza: the information sources are controlled by Hamas and saying anything but the Hamas script sentences the speaker to assassination.
It would really be useful if the pro-Palestinian writers actually understood the death to all jews motivation operating in Palestinian areas under the control of terrorists. There is no interest in economic development, just the maintenance of kill jews actions. The UN so-called educational programs operating there send books that are written to support the hate jews education of all Palestinians. There's no real history in them--just anti-semitic dogma and illustrations that exceed the Nazi rhetoric that Arabs joined in since Hitler rose to power. A real peace solution might be possible if Arab states sent in peace keeping troops and expelled Iranian influence, but that would demand the resolution of Sunni/Shite conflict that also seems beyond resolution.
So Israel aggressively defends itself. I'm troubled by the result, but I don't see a solution without significant chance in Arab state current disassociation from the issues here.