My goodness, what a petulant diatribe. You learned nothing from this last election, did you. The petulance of many on the left appears never to be moderated. I’ve lived through far more than have you and while I can’t understand why voters don’t get that the GOP pays lip service to anyone with less than a six figure income, I do see how GOP dedicated obstructionism has blocked progressives for the 54 years I’ve been voting. The mainstream dems move slower than I’d like but they have not developed the messaging skills need to wake up voters. Maybe they are sidetracked by defending against the attacks from the left of their own party. The GOP convinced voters that Dems are socialists and commits coming to take over their freedoms and drowned out the years of DEM successes in worker rights, civil rights, social security, health care, environmental safety and protection, etc. That the cavernous divide due to the shouting of the far left ( “the sky is falling”) is heard by 49.7% of voters as too radical. Hence they will vote out a terrible President but re-elect his enablers beam cause the fear going too far too fast.