A distortion of history here. Yes, the attempt to create land for a Jewish state by the British was ill-conceived, particularly because the British knew full well that surrounding Arab states would start a war to destroy the new Israel. Surrounding Arab states had no interest in avoid a war or in helping the so-called Palestinians to move out of the newly formed state. And when Israel successfully defended its new state status, Arab states settled into the antisemitic policies that have pervaded the world for 2000 years.
Hamas uses mosques, schools, homes as storehouses for their arms and rockets in their clearly stated effort to kill all Jews. They have not permitted elections for about 16 years. Anyone who wants to talk peace or 2 state solution is killed. Theirs is a brutal terrorist rule that has prevented the implementation of multiple peace agreement Israel negotiated on good faith. Hamas’ only response has always
Been terrorist attacks and the use of civilian people and structures as shields to make Israeli self-defense look bad. Hamas has always devalued the local populace in the Hamas efforts to kill Israelis and hide behind the innocent. It’s Hamas that is responsible for civilian deaths. If rockets are coming from the roofs of schools or from the cellars of mosques Israel must bomb them to stop the attacks. Israel does not start rocket attacks or terrorist attacks by me. In civilian clothes that blend in.
The UN has a role here too. UN funded schools pay for books that portray Jews in vividly racist and hateful ways , perpetuating the hatred of Jews. Real even handed history is banned. They teach hate, not peace.
Iran funds and supports Hamas and Hezbollah with weapons, and Russian weapons are also fundamental to terrorist attacks. Both these countries are responsible for the antisemitism that pervades the continuing conflicts. There are no easy answers, and we have seen the same desperate efforts to end war in the past. The atomic bomb, carpet bombing of Germany—these were terrible decisions but they both brought an end to the terrors of Japan and Germany in the 40s. We may see that again here, but unless Arabs in the region want to end the terrorist rule in Gaza and in Lebanon themselves, Israel appears ready to do it. I can’t blame them.